How to schedule Tortoise SVN update as a win7 task?

* Since Tortoise SVN 1.7, during installation, there is an option to install command line svn utility, tick it, and you will find "svn.exe" installed in TortoiseSVN installation directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin). By default, there is no svn executable installed.

* Create a batch file if you want to batch svn up for a few repository checkout.

  • REM To go to the script directory
  • cd /d %0\..

  • CD "a b c"
  • svn up
  • CD ../D_trunk
  • svn up

  • echo "Good morning, svn update is done ..."

* from win7 startup, run "taskschd.msc", add the batch file as a scheduled task. It is quite intuitive.